Monday, August 21, 2023


Greetings from The Glory Pre and Primary Schools. I have profound pleasure to welcome you to our beautiful school. We have very comprehensive package of primary school programs that fully equip our pupils with not only intellectual but also essential life skills that we believe will help them conquer the world aggressively. Being a total boarding school has given us ample time with our pupils thus engaging them fully in school activities. We have very interesting classroom lessons as well as out door activities that leave our learners with love for the school even after they graduate to secondary schools. We are proud of our Std 7 National Exams records as the best school in Iringa and having sent our old boys and girls to the best Secondary schools (Special Schools) in the country ie. Mzumbe ,Msalato , Kilakala , Kibaha boys , Ifunda Tech just but to mention a few. We also have annual school study tours to different educational and tourist areas. This is planned according to sections and classes. We have a lot to say and the best is yet to come. "Bienvenuea la Glory" Welcome The Glory

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